That is a terrible justification. I paid for the game, therefore I get to do whatever I want? Even if it means being obnoxious, team killing or...
The game does not endorse or glorify the Taliban, and if it did, he would have said that. Instead, not once does he even try to explain why...
You've confused "done for" with "done to". He writes terrible music, and it turns out that he was also stupid enough to post a video with leaked...
I guess you could always not play xbox live. If you are genuinely suggesting that Bungie not introduce banning repeat quitters just for you,...
Let's revolt. End the apartheid! End the apartheid!
I am so sorry.
Write about the negative effects achievements have on games/ gaming.
I thought I saw a wizard on the street yesterday, but it was just a pimp.
"Don't link to leaks" really should be in the rules, but leaks are only prevalent a month before each release, so I guess they overlooked it.
ScarecrowXavier 2.00 am NZ time
I doubt that would happen. All the maps designed for Forge have had one thing in common: familiar environments and simple, angular objects. There...
He's a member on the site, what are some kind of re- Wait no.... Camo! I will cause myself pain to appease my desire for forgiveness, even if it...
I just realised that in both A Scanner Darkly and Sherlock Holmes Robert Downey Jr's character tries to develop a silencer for a pistol- and fails.
Go to a nice restaurant with her parents, and after you take a bite of your entrée, put some of it on your fork/ spoon and insist that her mother...
It took you that long to figure out she was a girl?
How about nothing.
Probably because he is ugly, or has low self-esteem, or he has a fear of rejection, or he's gay.
It's Kotaku. What did you expect, a butterscotch cookie and a kiss on the head as you were tucked in at night? They are utter crap. Where'd...
I know, black people deserve the ability to shape-shift.
I'd be flattered, but you're either drunk or mistaken.