Not that I would know the difference.
Having two parents is over-rated.
Letters mean words which?
Do you have a vision impairment or just low standards? She's ugly faced.
What would you say if I said I could MAKE you into a movie buff? I wouldn't even touch Eva Mendes with Theorem's 10 foot pole.
Of COURSE Ghost Rider. The movie was so bad.
Theorem! That's so sad...
Pulp Fiction, great. Fight Club was o.k. That's right.
Yeah, I mean that part with the curly haired kid and the monkey eating candy? That was a metaphor for the human condition.
The plumber? Actually could you step aside Ma'am? I need some room.
"Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World is Fan Service: The Movie, an insular, punishingly alienating experience preaching only to the faithful, devoted...
You crazy kids and your "American Units".
I got a 0.2kg shirt for $3 the other day.
Yes. (He's a bit slow isn't he?)
Life is so shitty. why do you even waste your time? it's the same repetitive **** over and over and over and over and over again.
They'll be a midnight launch man. It's Adelaide. If you're anything like me, you'll rock up at 9pm, pace in front of the mall 'till the security...