Haha thank you, I'm not that big of an infection genius at all really, I'm only getting into it now. I'm just lucky that I've played sooo many...
Happy Birthay oomish / Andrew!! :D Hope you have a fun day
You can't send me a PM since my inbox is full. Please just leave me a VM ;)
You most likely already know, but: Forge The Future Redux Ep. 4: Bayfalls City - YouTube
Okay, I will check it out as soon as I can. Tomorrow I have to work so maybe I can't make it, but if not then I will check it out next Sunday! And...
I really liked that map you just showed me, the aesthetics are great and it really looks like a laboratory. Everything was forged smoothly, and...
You might wanna try to be in my lobby this time, because Zip Zap Zop will be there as well testing that "The Event" map you like so much ;)
Awesome, thanks for signing up. It's quite an honor that I'll get to take a look at that map together with you :) I'll befriend you on Xbox Live soon
Hey man, could you close this thread this thread after the following deadline: Saturday April 7th, 12 PM EST. Please note that in the actual...
I guess, I could move it to Saturday then. I'll contact a guardian to do that for me, but I won't change it in the actual thread, because...
No offence but that's complete bullshit. Darth Human and Oakley HiDef are the main forgers on that channel, and about 80% of the maps on their...
Thank you so much for an actual shout out for BIOC! You're amazing Insanmiac :D
You mean this one, right? [spoiler] Either way, that one was awesome, I used to play it with friends and we loved the originality and the way...
Ik moet je binnenkort maar eens toevoegen op Live. Mijn vriendenlijst is momenteel vol maar ik zal proberen om een paar willekeurige personen te...
Heh heh. :) Could you get on Skype now?
Hey, thanks for signing up for Round 4, but...
This map is awesome. I love how you used the tunnel to forge around with, it's a difficult spot to fit into a custom map but you did a great job...
You might wanna update your signature and link to the social group instead. Round 1 is already over xD
Okay, thanks. But please try and make it for Round 4, I didn't do theLinear Progression maps last time so we can still do that.