I can try, are you still online? Right now it's 2:40pm for me. My timezone is CET, which is GMT+1. (EST = GMT-5.) That means 2:40pm for me is...
Hey! I remember inviting you to this BIOC lobby, but I'm not too sure if I can remember playing with you in the past. I'm sure it's true, but at...
Hey Redy, you're online! Skype, maybe? :)
Berb!! You still alive bro
Sure, my own lobby takes place next Sunday, at 1pm EST, and Elliot's lobby next Friday at 3pm EST. Just sent one of us the usual invite message,...
Only in weekends, usually. Next Summer things should change, once I'm done with school.
Thanks again, as usual. :)
But it's just the list on top, you didn't have to scroll whatsoever!
Did you also see that message I sent you about the namelist of sign ups? If you already sent the message please leave a comment so I know you did...
Halo Reach Maps (Reborn) Ep1: Pandora's Fear - YouTube
Okay, yeah it's okay, everyone's busy with stuff. I'm very busy with school, also. Anyway just give me your username and I'll add you.
Hey Sean, I'm so sorry that I still didn't get that script for the introduction video out to you but I've been and I still am very busy with...
How's FCC going?
Hey, please check this out asap and leave a comment if you sent the message!
Hey Cryptic, how are things going with the Survival Infection guide?
Oh, just in case you forgot what you posted exactly, here it is: ---------- I'm new here, and I just read the FAQ. Seeing that I can advertise...
Yes, you can advertise your maps in the social group. No, you can't create a new thread just to advertise your map without asking one of the staff...
Okay, looking forward to it :)
I'm currently working on an Infection map with a twist, I'd say the forging is about 80% done and I hope to test it for the first time in my next...