Has anyone else seen the new weekly update? Still no information on Reach(surprise surprise..), but what they gave us on ODST was kinda better...
Sigh* I'm always a sucker for MS... I suppose I'll try it for the prize, I've always liked brute shot obstacle courses anyways :)
I saw the 1st version a day ago I think?, to me the concept was cool, but the overall map not so much. I can see you fixed a lot of things here,...
They're both incredible. When I saw the first one, it sudddenly reminded me of a brute chieftain. Looks a lot like one IMO. Is the last one...
How DID you do this? The background is amazing, it looks a bit like pastel, or water or something. If there were no red weird sketchings on the...
I personally don't like the last 2 because of their effects, and seem kind of bland. But the 1st is if I may say, SEXY. The spartan's position...
Although I don't see the humor in this, the 2nd one is actually not too bad. The lighting works for it, although you should be able to see more...
A shame I never saw the first version, this looks incredible. Random weapons box is cool, but how does it work? Aesthetics are smooth as well....
Okay, so to post pictures, all you have to do is go on www.haloscreenshots.net Type in your gamertag, and it'll give you all of your recent...
So, it's a bit like that one zombie game with the bridge made out of pallets, and the survivors have to stay inside the overpowered house....
sigh* Doesn't matter to me, I'll be studying for final exams anyways...
Joined. 28th place right now, and an extra 17,000 points added to the 'cause'.
Game type's been done a lot. Like shows up once a week kind of a lot. Nothing really original, and does it really help to make slit walls?...
Or my xbox is being retarded. It's scarab geo merging all over again..
Doesn't make sense though. When the laser goes through the elephant's driver, it's not supposed to kill him(just tested a moment ago). Also, I'm...
1)Blast Off 2)Mlg RequiemV2 3Dunescape 4)TBA... I really can't decide yet.
Is anyone else hoping for new gametypes in Reach? Like hold a certain area. Kind of like KOTH, but only one team can score, the other team has...
Are prizes just 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or only 1 prize? Sounds kinda like fun, I might try this out. Usually people want Microsoft points prizes, but...
I'm going to suggest you put obstacles or things on the sides for aesthetics, this gametype actually looks like it has lots of potential as a...
I'll test that tonight, although I'm pretty sure that it's impenetrable.