Amazon will too apparently, but I'm wondering which ones... I hope not just, I'm not american
Halo story line, is ****ing complex. It's direct and to the point, but there are so many small and missing pieces, which is why the books were...
Advertising is bad >:l
Geomerging is forcing objects into the ground dude. While it isn't always necessary, it gives a nice aesthetic touch to it. Also, when you need to...
**** I gotz suspened from live until tomorrow >:l... when is the final day that we can try the course?
No, there's gotta be SOME game out there with what we can call to a certain degree 'logical'. Someone should send bungie a message going, "Y u...
Me and my friend beat it, most of it is just luck. The only hard part is the fork lift IMO. And the desicion is a no brainer. Everyone will...
I suggest making a roof now, because me and my friends were able to get out by making a giant pile of radar jammers. It's kind of confusing...
They're both great, Vitality looks like a really well done photoshop job, and I really like the effects for anticipation... although it looks like...
Why did you bump your thread? If it's dying out, just let it be. Screen shot wise, it's okay, I like the background, but I really don't see the...
That 'cigar' is gonna have more a little more kick than the spartan was hoping for.
So, I recently got the message, but I'm still kind of confused on how it works. Is there a certain time that you'll be on or something?
I think he had sex with a vampire, and contrcted vampire aids, and instead of killing your brother, it turned him into a vampire. Although I...
Screen shots aren't working, you can't copy and paste them from Go to, type in your Gamer Tag, and you'll...
E's Duck Hunt 3 is pretty good, I always play it with my friends. So are you looking for competitive, or minigame/fun/casual games?
Lol, it's not really the dancing that was funny, but more the terrible music.. it went with the video pretty well. I myself prefer to tbag, but...
I'm not sure how well 4 teams would play on orbital... to me it just sounds really dumb because orbital's hallways are narrow, and there's less...
Well okay, so it doesn't really make any sense. But still, would you rather be fighting that peice of junk or this? [IMG]
No, I'm just saying that I'm surprised they would put them in firefight. I can imagine it being fairly brutal when you have invisble brutes...
Sooooo what happens when you die? That's the one part that I don't understand. And also, merging **** together WILL make your map look better,...