Hey, to get your pics to work go to- Halo Screen Shots Type in your GamerTag, and you'll get your most recent pics. From there just copy the BB...
So it's pacman with spartan lasers then?
Parents are so mean :( Always bossin and bein bossy bossy bossy.
Ahaha yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe if bungie gave out new armor perms, the armor was special because it lights up in certain areas,...
No you. It's the guys first on forgehub, you don't have to rip on him. Instead of saying his map is crap, how about helping him by telling him...
If it was a sphere, there wouldn't be any reason to call it the Xbox, now is there? I'd just like to see some kind of internet browser for a new...
To get new armor you'd have to download them. Originally recon armor was already on the H3 disc, but you needed bungie to unlock it for you. And...
I knew you could get inside the building, but I never knew that you could include the chopped inside the clip. I learned something new today!...
That's the only reason that I bought those 2 games! Just kidding, but honestly I think that Firefight will be so much better than horde or ****...
But you'd generally have to download and play it then, which I suppose may or may not help with the spamming.
But I'm not constipated you silly goose! Sorry I left abruptly my comp got commandeered by my mom :(.
Presumably Kelly, and as Draw the line said, part of John's old squad, AKA blue team. *Fingers crossed.
So edit/delete the post then. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/75912-inter-core.html
Hey, make sure you give a breif description of the map and what you're supposed to do. Your map will be locked by a mod withing 24 hours if you...
That's because no one has bothered to tell a mod yet... It'll come soon enough, but hell I'll try this map out anyways, it looks fun, never would...
3rd one is the best, it leaves me wanting to see the machinima, definitely. Last one is too dark and blurry.... not too sure what it is.
Spderman 2... BEST spiderman game ever. If you play it, you'll realize why. One of the best city free roaming based games to date. Every other...
And there are people who make extra profiles to vote their maps 5 stars when everyone else is rating that map low but for valid reason...
Hopefully they'll release some info on Reach as a treat.
Looks like a great aesthetc piece, I think you could have merged some of the stuff like the flooring however(like floor in the last picture)....