or camo is just sheer comedy gold.
gonna post another map soon, what do you suggest i use instead of photobucket?
oh right, i didnt really care for that level. by then i was oblivious to everything because its a CORRIDORSHITFEST
i really dont understand, you go to the moon?
moon pool?
i think im getting good at this.
how do you decode?
trading black ops in for AC:B level 47 and bored of it already.
we're all hipsters duuuude
ball ball.
mountain mountain. (no pics of that pls)
pew pew.
bayonetta. damn sick game, gave me boners.
vegas, ops youll play for two weeks and will easily go back to mw2... AND THE SINGLE PLAYER IS ****
do you really think that this isnt tl;dr?
well that would be impossible
thats actually awesome
**** prostitutes.