Bayonetwork CreatedBy: Thesilencebroken and BlazeIsGod Gametypes Supported; FFA Slayer [2-6 players] Team Slayer [2v2-3v3] Team Doubles [2v2v2]...
You're Back!!! <3!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I'm about to go have dinner, and we'll see about the recap, I'll try to though.
Ah yes, Purple Bunker, from what I saw in you recap it looks epic, must play in TGIF.
sweet thanks, and i'll post in the thread about co-hosting.
Hey, do you wanna see if we can co-host the next TGIF together? just an idea...
that's an epic vid right there, what's the last song called?
'Twas good good sir, I was not inviting you to TGIF though, I was inviting you to something much more... special... much more... epic... the kind...
lol, we'll see what happens.
good point... but if he's cool he'll choose premium =P
NeverlessWonder will probably be expecting Premium around now. Here is his profile page if that helps.
Troika Created by NeverlessWonder and Tender Bisquit Gametypes Supported: All Gametypes Recommended Players: 2-8 Troika is an asymmetric map much...
moved to Forge Discussion.
I know, I have the perfect spot for you to design.
well, i'll barely have anything done, but you can come see my ideas on monday if you want.
will do good sir, i already have some ideas
with the map, should it be 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4?
yeah three games YOU played, I played a few before and a few a bit after... anyways, 'twas fun, but i was tired since i stayed up to watch dalympix.
Yarly! \o