definitely not, Asper and Chipsinabox have been preaching that very message since you left. as for the map... well, I can't say it looks good,...
lol cya
DON'T I MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU ANYMORE?!?!?!?!?!? I thought we had something, but now... I don't know... I just don't ****ing know... ... ... lol
err... I could show you some of the stuff I'm working on I guess... Oh hey Nick.
NO! march your lazy ass down those stairs... NAO!
well I don't see why we shouldn't, lol.
I do indeed my good hombre
hard not to enjoy it... and this profile needs more tan
well hey, when it's a chance to make yourself feel big by exercising your power over others, I'm there. lol
have you seen my profile page red ****ing everywh- oh, you mean journos? I dunno, it'd be nice but everything I'm doing is voluntary, IE. If i...
6... .
That guy you reported? well... MY BANHAMMA GOES PERMAPERMAPERMAPERMA!!! lol i'm just proud is all...
You are quite right good sir, it is much like a mini-admin. And thanks, I shalt add them in the near future.
not sure... perhaps NeXn? I know he discovered the budget glitch.
both of you aare wrong. It was a guy called voodoo, he isn't around much anymore, but it was him. The whole bungie interlocking thing happened...
also says one world one dream... *****... lol.
I've been attempting to do that for a while now...
Just a few minor things, that didn't make sense when I read them to myself.
Paragon by: TDHarding Gametypes Supported: Team Slayer Para Flag (One-Flag Variant) Para Bomb (One-Bomb Variant) Recommended Party Size: 2-4...
Locked at the request of the OP.