Thanks man. It seems we have Rep back anyways, so hopefully we don't screw it up again lol.
Don't forget Kirk Hammet. But you'd all probly expect that of me, so I will also throw in a vote for David Gilmour :0)
Thanks guys. I'm glad to see that nobody seems to care too much.
I just want to formally apologize to Forgehub and it's members for starting a thread that got the Rep system taken away. If you missed the thread...
I have to say, I do like some of the new features and the new look doesn't bother me all that much. The one thing that does bother me is the Mii...
This map is good times. Vice you have created another great map and impressed me again. I have to admit, I was a little confused about the path to...
Congrats on loyal man!!
Glad you like it, but what do you mean the backround was funny?
Point was that any map no matter how good it is would be better with interlocking. You just can't deny that a smooth running map with no bumps is...
Version 2 is in effect. Added CPU to support Versions 2 and 3 of Conquest, as well as added 2 BR's and moved a few things around. Enjoy :0)
Nothing needed to be said beyond what DTL said. More than one person in this thread said "Americans" or "In America" like this type of stuff only...
I was surfing Bungie today and started looking back to some previous Post Game Carnage Reports and eventually I decided to look up my Halo 2...
Way to go DTL, it's about time this badboy got featured. And BTW, chalk yet another front page worthy map up for GoO!
Name: Freeze Grenade Description: Transparent icy outside layer,resembles an icicle and sticks to people in a fashion similar to the Spike Grenade...
I'm a huge SC fan. I have been in love with it since it was called Soul Edge and was on the PS1. I even went out and was forced to buy a Dreamcast...
This looks like it is constructed very well. And since it is enclosed (which I love in maps) you have my download. It looks like it could be a...
Congrats on the Feature bro! And on yet another GoO map gracing the front page!
That would be from my map Echo. It's not like a gametype or anything, but it's a distinctive aesthetic piece copied to the T. I don't care if you...
The forging looks good, however, I question the playability of this map. I may be wrong, but it looks like it could get troublesome/annoying to...
No honor rules here, you shoot through the wall if you are normal at anyone you want,and since there is no radar you are encouraged to sneak...