Sorry man, I'm not a moderator, just a loyal. I don't have the power to lock threads, but fear not cause double posted threads don't last very...
Looks pretty good from what I can see. My content is bursting at the seams right now, so I can't give it a download and check it out first hand,...
Or what? You'll lock the thread? lol. Leave the moderating to the moderators please. They are good at their job and can handle it.
Thanks Tusk! I hope you like it :0)
Hey Paulie. I like this map a lot. I am gonna skip past any praise you deserve for the construction and aesthetics of the map and go right to the...
What I meant was 50 years. It was built in the early 1900's, survived and thrived for a while, then there was the accident and it has been...
I like it better than Tekken. Always have. To me it just has more personality and flair. LOTS of flair. Like 37 pieces of flair. But seriously,...
I saw a good one last night. It was ComeHonorFace. I lol'd but nobody else did. I think they didn't get it. Crazy kids.
Well, they did put Spawn and Link in as playable characters is previous SC's. Darth and Yoda are cooler than either of those in my opinion,even...
This map looks ridiculous. Ridiculous in a good way that is. Judging by the pics I have to tell you that this is the first map on Avalanche I...
Yep. You can customize your character. I don't know how in depth it will be yet, but from what I hear, it's more than adequate. I also believe...
That's what I am saying!!! Not to mention Yoda also.
....and it looks siiiiiiiick. Check out some pics: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Even if the gameplay hasn't changed one bit, I am...
Thanks guys!
Thanks King, and thanks for giving away my secret nickname!! Anyways, yeah that is a bit whack. But hey, it's the nature of the beast I guess....
Conquest is a fun gametype you may not have tried yet. You should go back and read the post because I have included a quick overview of how...
Did one better my friend. I kept them for aesthetics by placing a Ghost over the reciever to block the teleporter.
Thanks man. Oh and just to be clear, the teleporters throughout this map are blocked and purely aesthetic.
[IMG] A Conquest Map Download Deep Freeze Download Conquest Download Conquest v2 Download Conquest v3 Description: This is...
Off the top of my head I would choose, in no particular order: Lightsout Matty Draw The Line I get to see mostly all of Lights maps from the...