Thar you go. Good name is good 5/5
What a terrible name change, Miraj was a unique name, and in my opinion it was way better than what you have now.
You can get matched up twice, there's no restriction to you playing against them multiple times, bet you better have some really good luck though.
For some reason, I knew for a fact that Bungie was going to do it like this. Which is, have one four man team in the play list at a time and just...
It's just going to be how Team Slayer is set up, you can go in by yourself, or get matched up with three other random players. In my opinion, it...
I had waken up a plethora times this morning due to my brother having three friends over, and our rooms are in the basement with no wall...
While you're at it Linu, these could be changed too. xX5w33ny70ddXx ► X5 Pfhorapfhobia ► The Yellow
You added yourself as a Mod in the member ranks thread, yet you forgot to remove yourself as a guardian. Just thought I'd point that out. =p
For some reason I refreshed my page on your profile and you were promoted, congratulations Linu.
Here is your answer.
We should work on our map sometime dood.
Seriously, X5.
If Camofo hasn't told you yet, me and him are making an Infection map on Orbital for your game type to extend onto you're map pack.
You actually look like one of my old friends, I don't think there's a need to hide your face, but meh that's just my opinion.
This isn't /b/.
Ever since I've seen you on the forums you've had a thing for blurring out your face or making your face not visible in the picture. I don't...
I never messaged you back in the first place because me making a video for some one else let alone my self is my last priority. Seriously, I keep...
This seems really neat and all but before you continue I'd like to tell you two things that can help you out in the process of doing this. One: I...