I'm loving the demo. I just played Sad But True doing both vocals and guitar. Only got 3 start though... What's really awesome is that the...
Isn't that a coincidence...
I likes the 3rd one.
That is older than time itself... No but seriously I heard it, maybe a year and a half ago, probably longer. I much prefer the Fray's original...
Yeah, sure. I'd be delighted to see it.
I just set it as my wallpaper. It does look awesome. Sweet, can't wait to see it.
Yeah. I enjoy looking at it. Very visually appealing. That stock, in itself, is badass.
Cheers. I'm really digging your current sig.
Thanks man, it's nice to hear that. Uhh, yeah, you could say that... Yeah, now that I notice it. The sig as a whole demands attention. Not just...
I think I really could have done something better with the stock. [IMG] What I did: Enhanced the image in the cross hair; adjusted midtones,...
k. I'll let her know.
Yeah sure. Bout when'll you be back?
[IMG] Wolverine! Nothing special. Saw the stock and felt like doing something with it. [spoiler]
Got no sprite atm :P I have Lift. And schweppes lemonade
lol. I'm going to have pizza and some lift. Gonna watch King of the Hill
Sweet. I'm probably going to have Lunch now.
Are you wearing a rotating sig?
lol, yeah. It's a great site.
My printer also works as a scanner and a fax(whoduhellevausesfaxitslikewth!). comicvine.com is where I find them.
A couple, I've scanned in. Otherwise, there's a site I use.