and, i want to start doin anime sigs also.
i post them as cnc and get ripped apart. id rather get help then get like " Your Lighting is so ****ing bad"
well, my gimp is dead so, i am going to stick with stocks.
i like renders but, im really bad at blending, so i stick to stock.
Shen you do sigs, do you use renders or stocks?
Well, you seem pretty cool.
lol, idont get it. is it supposed to meen that some people think your a douche bag with the things you say, but other people see your point of...
Ill Join, adminornojoin jk but srsly, ill join and get some ppl
dont ***** your map to me. im not goin there now
you sounded like such a super hero right there, or like herashio or something, lol
thanks for the back up on that coke thread lol.
k, thanks alot.
the title is so lolable. "This **** Is ****ing Crazy" i lol everytime i see it. but yeah, i beat it again with beyonce
did you smudge with a lighter opacity?
sure fat but, idk if you needed the white part, lol
km cause most beginers, like me, arent that good at blending, ill keep that in mind.
It suprisingly looks good, and a good gametype to go with it.
did you just do it randomly?