is that yu?
wtf is that, ;x
Anyone have a beginers tut for blending renders? or can help me out with blending renders.
ya, kinda figured i would get something like this. what could i do for better blending?
[IMG] idk. cnc?
yeah, i was joking also, lmfao
[IMG] wasnt much to work with for that.
if you capture it, before any editing can you send me it?
i can send you my doubles footage if you would like?
o ya, dorgedub was supposed to be Forgegod, i just really fail, what does screen do anywyas? does it just help the c4d blend better? mkae it sort...
not yet.
but, did you still leave some of the c4d on? i reallly like the one in your showcase of dorgehud and rabbit, i want to be able to do that kind of...
Request: Black shirt, Grungy text, Text: Donii, text Colour: Dark Purple or Pale Pink.
Yea, i realized i should try and stick with stocks, i cant blend that good, when you use c4d, do you use multiple layers? and then just erase parts?
Sounds pretty cool
Do you prefer stocks or renders?
okwell, im goin to sleep, ttyl maybe.
nope, just trying to start conversation.
i love the elite.