im not,
ill judge.
Wooow, the end was pretty fkin epic.
Frag, Anime, Gimp? Pl0x?
you didnt even submit.
Team 4, I Really like the smudging and use of c4d.
MC Can 'Nade Jump, Rocket jump. hell, he can superjump
Natu is his name... Irl.
i dont care what any other map critique people think, i really think this map is good. its small, has a great concept and looks pretty damn good....
cant reply to your vm's on your page, just check back here to see if i replied.
i suggest fast
whats with all you people and effects? you cant ad an effect to a picture after you take it, it was an accedent, read before you post "this...
your shadow looks like last stand kind of.
try resizing it so my page doesnt take 15 minutes to load it.
v2-red looks worse now. [IMG] [spoiler]
it was a stock itsself
go to jenga tower, most kids who play infection have that map, thats a falling tower.
[IMG] for some reason, i feel like it look rly bad. idk why. ice please.
i heard herectic or something, is a midship remake.