Skipp'd School.
His tear looks like an Icecikle
You forgot to put the juicy Filter on, i can tell because you helmet is purple in some places.
Nathaniel, Jelous Of The Flares? :D
Sure. can you quote it in a couple of days so i dont have to search?
i dont understand, a shop for you to practice, but your getting help?
k, Wouldnt be comfortable?
the sender in the tele room brings you to the other teams spawn. As for the map, it looks very good,very well merged and interlocked, from what...
Should be stickied ****... Necro now?
Well, Ryan And I Were Bored, And Decided To Make a GB Team, Just to play around, Nothing Serious, Were Not Amzing EmUlGee 50's But Were Decent, We...
Nice catch.
Yeha, text is great, and i like how the focal is light, and the backround is darker.
k kids, you can stop arrgueing now. as for the sig, i liked the addition of the c4d on the side, makes it look pretty good.
no klu
I wasnt trying to be rude , i just didnt know who he was. ;\
who are you?
What's EGM?!
ya ;\ fu 2
Wow, Thats the best cover ive seen so far.