You don't even know your own profiles links ;D
Are you blind? Did you not read the first portion of my post? There was no need for a lengthy description. The video says it all. Period. End...
There wasn't any need for a lengthy description in my post. The video says it all. A general rule of thumb for you. If all you're going to post...
Exactly, I was rather pissed as well...Some of those jumps he made look easier then they actually are though, that bastard... And to the other... I just had to post this....
ty sir
>.> Because she was trying to get the violence toned down in video games? Toned down as in removed practically? EDIT: ty d-man.
They still have the gametype, though, that's a ****ing brilliant gametype. Though, just imagine (hate to bring politics into this) if Palin were...
"Modicum, what's that?!" *Runs to* lolloololol
im on, add me to the chat.
Sharp, if you're planning a long rant on your view point on the site, please save us the read. These threads are getting tiresome.
This is probably my ocd, but that wall is not at a perfect angle, and could effect the upper portion's walking ability, once interlocked with...
No one else answer that question, it detracts from the previous points in the post. Also, Vorpal is correct.
Ya, I saw the post, and I lol'd instantly.
I just thought I'd point out, all of the aforementioned material has always been pretty much obvious to everyone, I'm going to have to assume it...
lul, I need more footage, message me later tonight if you want in =]
Also, Pyro's post looks so peculiar...if you know what I mean.
your comic. win.