Willkommen in meinem Profil. Ich liebe alle
Please embed high resolution pictures using photobucket. Thx
ooh. Extremely great looking map! You have my download This looks like it would be great with fiesta settings on =]
I'm developing a foundry map using immobile wraiths as mortars against waves of the infected. What are your thoughts?
No, no they can't. 200% gravity takes care of that. =]
If you have garage band, please make a song out of this. lol
Do you really understand what you are doing? Map stealing is bad mmkay. You just don't steal other members' maps like that, altering them the...
You have ALOT of guts doing this Bushido, OR you have mental disabilities REPORT BUSHIDO
I'm working now on making this map compatible for one-sided bomb and flag. please tell me what you think.
didn't know that. thx
Welcome to Forgehub! This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good...
My bad Bushido. You put a link to the second page.. I like how you stole Radiation from Dynamic Echo.. who knows if you stole the other maps...
> Fortress > Armory > One-sided fight not my type of map
4 images isn't enough for a map pack. you fail to realize how to post a proper map pack on these forums
I thought I saw you a few days ago. Your fileshare seemed to have been full of popular maps with your name dabbed over them as the new author...
To complete your day, here is the best animal fight video ever using fresh techno beats. Bear vs Wolves
isn't this the same guy who tries stealing all of those maps? sorry If im wrong.
It doesn't kill them..
Good Afternoon! This is my second map contribution, so constructive criticism would be appreciated. Although quite offensive to some, this...
that 'huge' open space cannot be accessed without death in the end. No matter how much you may try, that space can never be used for play