^comd [Coffin of miserable death]
Keane = infant in comparison to AC/DC Off topic: Mlglr, is that your xbox with rrod? If so, suxorz to the max. I'm still on my first Xbox 360...
the song is two years old mlglr Where as Biggles' post for AC/DC, AC/DC is fuhkin ancient.
smartass. Anyway, this thread needs locking. Modded maps are bad mmkay
The chorus is epic. http://youtube.com/watch?v=F5lzfURAGNg
Dear2Kill just has a thick head. He can't understand you.
That's quote quality right there.
I can't stand AC/DC, but I love that song [odd, I know]
This map only supports a few game types. Plus, they have to be the game types given. Competitive maps support most, if not all game types, and...
I like how he is still smiling after the train derailed
yeee! exterminator. Nice
If Dear2kill stole it, don't warn him, blacklist him
I have two problems. -Escaping is quick and easy -Fusion coils don't sit well with me. Other than that, great job!
Honestly, the rating was more brutal because this thread is in competitive. If it were in casual, the rating wold have been a 4/5. =] EDIT:...
Very nice idea. It's always nice to see something different. However, I have too disagree with the placement of this thread. Competitive maps...
This doesn't look like much of a map(s), just an open space. Plus, this isn't very original either. There have been maps done like this before,...
^Grammar [Dear2Kill also misspelt Omega in the thread title] lol
Your vocabulary & spelling are atrocious, Dear2Kill, it's not cute. Plus, no one is going to download your map unless you have well put together...
He didn't even mention screenshots in his post
I <3 Bubbles Turbo. http://youtube.com/watch?v=l-NVY_PZylk