wow. I might just have to use this
your avatar is epic.
Fresh techno beats. intense. Do you mind telling me who composed that song??
that's hella days. He could only do a few a day, then wait for the next day at the right time, for lighting.
my hammer with sparks is better [IMG]
Ah. First post. Glad to see you are finished with this map. Hope to play on this with you soon. Looks intense
Woah! Flymingo posted a map!! It looks intense, haven't seen a map just made for S.W.A.T. in a while. A+
Infection is now a overused ***** of a game type. I prefer territories [Conquest]
Wow. this got featured. Intense
wow. All that time you spent typing that horribly misspelt message, could have gone into fixing your thread.
halo or cod 4 can't even compare to comdemned 2
lol. oh, and Dear, its not that hard to embed pics you moron
5. Condemned 2: Bloodshot 4. Halo 3 3. Resident Evil 4 [GC] 2. Lost Planet 1. Bioshock
Girl Scout FTW
trip mines.
I just found videos of my friend... Random and mean, but they make me cackle inside. BTW I am not in these....
wow. this is quite mediocre.
1. This has been done before, so you are not original 2. This is deeply offending and depressing. Genocide is never funny. You can't even begin...
Map: Battle of Verden Author: Esquisofrenic Gametypes: None that work. Reviewer: Chipsinabox [IMG] ^^ Fusion coils don't seem to belong vv [IMG]...
Wow. Looks great. I will download to drool over it further. =]