So I assume you are an animal person?
Found as in saw, or found as in saw, then took home?
I'm so purposeless and depressed. The apathy makes me sad.
Does it have lots of annoying cords though?
Thinking of buying a turtle beach x31 headset. Can anyone vouch?
Due Date and Tron: Legacy will be the only other two 2010 films I see this year. I find it weird that people think Iron Man 2 wasn't as good as...
Films I saw this year that didn't suck: Hot Tub Time Machine Kick-Ass Iron Man 2 Inception Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Social Network...
....Or a bass guitar. Or maybe just a regular electric. Decisions, decisions.
I want to buy an instrument.
The only thing I disliked about Scott Pilgrim was that some of the jokes weren't funny.
Some parts I liked, some parts I didn't.
No it isn't.
I'll kick them for you. Oh, and I just saw Scott Pilgrim vs The World. What the ****.
I only just realised Black Ops is out (3 hours, 15 minutes ago). I'm usual incredibly excited for midnight launches, and honestly had no idea that...
YouTube - New robotic hand 'can feel' It's awesome.
You have to be pretty stupid or naive to get into a relationship with someone.
Real men fight nut cancer with their beards.
What kind of degenerate would use Itunes.