Camo, what instrument should I buy so I can play an instrument? Instrument.
The game really is an unmitigated failure right? Their design philosophy must have been something like "Lets make a re-skinned WAW, only with a...
Black Ops is WAW but a smidgeon better. Some verticality in the maps wouldn't hurt either. I'm talking Flavella, Quarry: great maps. Black Ops...
Ever seen Freaks and Geeks?
YouTube - Cold Chisel -Khe Sanh
I have to agree with Camo.
Beaten the campaign on vet. Played a few games of multiplayer, maybe 30 or so. Played zombies, still unbalanced.
The maps in MW2 were crisp, clean: almost bright. Playing on BO maps feels like trying to look at a watercolour painting with bad direction. I...
In the maps, there is no "outside". There's only tunnels, and tunnels without a roof, and they're all ****ing intertwined and it sucks. You also...
I love it when stuff like that happens.
Threaten that you'll intentionally lower your marks unless she stops being a *****. It probably won't help, but calling her a ***** will make you...
From the interface, to the level design, to the game mechanics, just an all-round terrible game. So you're clearly impartial. Yes, they...
Why ?
So, Grif posts scantily clad anime women he practically BRAGS about masturbating to, and I'm the only one who sees a problem with that?
Want a girl who'll love me forever... until I find a prettier girl who will love me forever.
In what respect? I swear, Australia will never shake it's "foreign wildlife" image. I mean, America has plenty of animals that Australia doesn't...
That's because if a parent in America so much as sees their child fidget he "has ADHD".
Grif is a guy who WISHES he was a parkouring Na'vi, so he can have sex with a Na'vi (fictional, by the way), which is an order of magnitude more...
So Sarge is the Pac-man ghost Inky with a bag on its head, and Grif is a blue native american?
Leave it to Grif to make some freakish amalgamation of all the women he wishes would love him. People do that? That's creepy. You should have...