I wouldn't. I heard it was terrible. You sung a Queen song without me? *****.
Two questions: 1. Do you have a picture of loberg? 2. Do you really have a pink controller?
I'm going out for some food. Pizza, Noodles, Special Fried Rice or other?
Gay people are awesome. Let me tell you, it won't be your gay friend that steals your girlfriend.
Kim Pine is so awesome and pretty and cool.
MTG drafts are where it's at.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is great. I'd love to have Kim Pine punch me in the face.
So this is where you post your Mirror's Edge/ Avatar crossover erotic fanfiction?
Decemeber 24th. I doubt I'll be finish the campaign before then.
I hope he makes better food than he does music.
Feel like playing some Reach Camo?
Apparently his idea of time well spent is ****ing with female self-esteem. I'd forgive him calling me useless, but he used Frag man and I in the...
It's called the LATEST episode. Latest. What the hell is that suppose to mean. Seriously, explain that ****. I can't believe I ever had a...
I'd offer, but the only mic I have is the one for my xbox.
You have a company!? /misinterpret
We'll make PPC history Chuck. YouTube - The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin´67
Matty is right. Black Ops is a step down from MW2, and anyone who says differently is easily impressionable, or just an idiot. Treyarch thought...
Motherfucker don't you ever forget.
I had this same avatar before though.
I'm thinking about changing my gamertag back to ScarecrowXavier, because people have difficultly with my name.