How do hipsters not see their obsession with fashion as the most effeminate thing ever.
I think it's funny that in America you would deliberately endanger your life and the life of others for 25% off.
Self contradicting statement.
So I must be having a stroke or something because Grif and I agree on a point. Also we should play Reach Camo.
Bowww bow. Touchin' yo-hewww-hooOOooo. Bowww bow. Touchin' mee Heee-hE-heee. Bowww bow. Touchin' you LORD you're touchin' meeee....
Black Ops is a piece of crap. They may as well have mailed an advanced copy to Infinity Ward with a note saying "You win, we know nothing about...
If I were there I would massage the balls of your feet so F@#$ing hard.
I declare a simile off. The first person to win the crowd's favour with the best insulting simile without a retort is crowned victor. Even better...
We don't have thanksgiving in Australia. Also, wearing vibrant colours is illegal.
Depends on what. No smurfs.
So how're things going with your new cute teeny bopper?
I like calling them "ciggy wiggies".
Only if you want to mon ami.
Camo is one cool guy and I was going to join him but he was playing multi-team with a guest and I didn't want to be the third wheel.
That metaphor is as fallacious as Douglas Adams is dead
Is this directed at me, or are you saying Australia is "highly threatening".
It's a complicated question, and anyone with a black or white answer (Hotpokkaminny, Rook and Frag Man have incredibly "white" answers) isn't...
I just play a game against Sketch in Multi-team. It was pretty awesome. Also, that rook (guy?) isn't funny.
I'm not sure actually.
The ugly ones usually are.