That sounds a bit simple, especially with someone with your level of forging skill... [/totallynotsuckinguplol] Fair enough. I don't think I...
First of all, great to have you here, been playing Amp in TGIF's and on the Playlists for a while now, so it's nice to finally have the chance to...
MLG Impact Created by Kon Artist Gametypes Supported: MLG FFA, TS, CTF, Koth and Ball Recommended Players: 2-6 Setting a new standard for MLG...
he just doesn't seem to understand...
lol, same with Matt and Aph, Hannah was saying how he didn't go to third base, and we all agreed that he didn't have it in him... lol.
INORITE!?!?!? ah well, we had a massive group hug/**** at one point...
Pretty good, Kal and I had fun, Pat and Hannah were going to make out but didn't have the time to, Kate from yr 11 got us free food (she works...
Probably, if I can scrape the money together...
lol just wait til i get my new one up... tomorrow...
OR (in my opinion) Far Cry 2 = No more skill. I'm sorry, but when you can build a building in a second, sure it's nice, but it took no skill to...
HOLD THE **** ON PEOPLE!!! WHEN THE HELL DID THEY EVEN HINT AT A NEW TIMESPLITTERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ZOMFG those games are epic... onto the...
Purple Bunker Created By: Bl00D F1R3 Gametypes Supported: Purple Monsters Recommended Party Size: 8-14 Purple Bunker is a great Mini Game....
in MM and tired, so no, sorry.
Well ScarFac3d, I quite enjoy being the most awesomest person. and Bl00D, I'll be on in a sec, lolololololololol
lolololololololololololololol 3535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535353535 lolololololololololololololololol