lolrly? sweet, we're set...
ah i see...
looks like we're up against a pair of Brigs on Yukon... *scared faic*
what does you meen?
just after midnight.
If they add them to existing playlists I'm going to own Team Doubles...
yeah... ah well, I still reckon that if you changed a couple of weapons then Cyclopean would be easily into MM.
Online nao! Want citizen!
Vertebraille Created By: Thesilencebroken Gametypes Supported: All Recommended Party Size: 4-8 players Vertebraille is an expertly forged map...
well, I have two maps in the final stages of testing, but I'm not releasing them for a few weeks, then I have one map I just started which has a...
Master the moon? erm... lol jaykay this map seriously is great, i had to test it maybe 20, 30 times, but I didn't mind because the gameplay was...
H4X GUNN!!! Suhweet, both of my featureds+Crescent are un-budget-glitched, although I can only see Crescent getting in, and I'd probably have to...
quite well thanks, how is you?
I played a 1v1 on this map just earlier, and I encountered a few problems. First, all of the floor was slightly bumpy, it only made a difference...
the forging itself looks quite neat and accurate, but the area in the third picture looks very bland and open, which is a great shock considering...
which one?
The Ire of Fire Created by Felipe dos and Debo37 [img] Gametypes Supported: Free-For-All slayer Team Slayer One Flag One Bomb Territories...
inoe, i noe...
lol wut?