No I have quite the distaste for MW2 as well, however I find it incredibly hypocritical when people ***** about models then say this makes "BFBC...
And this further reinforces why I will never buy this game..
Essentially yes, we saw it..check it out and tested it..decided we wanted it featured..solo didn't have an account here so we sent him a message...
It came out in the map pack over a month ago though, so not that quick.
Ive always liked RPGs better than shooters anyway. Every shooter except halo is generic and boring. So Halo is still my favorite FPS and the...
Oh I get it. Did you post this here simply so you can make that point? Our standards are totally based off aesthetics, which is way no random...
Well spoken
The problem, like he stated, was the two returning maps were directly ported between two games that came out on the same console too close...
I just want to state the Activision is the one setting prices and the one making the large amounts of money, not IW.
I was listening to the new stuff while writing this massive paper. Very nice sir. When I'm not broke, I'm buying your album.
Yeah just report your own thread and in the reason why request a lock
Figured I'd remove the pictures of my ex lol
Oh you mean the map database and not the forums? Uhm..about two days.
We dont typically review maps. If a staff member likes it they may leave a comment but other than that it's just kinda up to the feedback you get...
You can resize pics on your photobucket. In all honesty, you don't have to resize pictures in your map threads if you dont want. It makes things...
You have to go to the edit section, and click resize and pick a size around 640x400. And im a writer for the site, but I have moderator powers...
You have to resize your pictures to somewhere around 640x400..use a site like imageshack or photobucket
I'm not sure what you mean? Are you asking how to post a map?
This passed friday, but it was canceled.
Just gotta say..shad0w would smoke you all