You figured it out! =] you all realise I was TRYING to do that?
lol this is great ;D I saw this a while ago, posted it in IRC but no one cared x\
does construct have a waterfall? I really can't remember -_- Off topic: You dont really know me... But good to see more active Mr. Furious Sir Hi...
hey there :] uhm I got your message on xbl, but checkd it on my computer so coudn't hear the message. I cant use my box until thursday so.. what...
Awh you took the time out of your day just FOR ME n__n It really is the thought that counts, you got some good vomit/freedom spread there
gee wizz ;( I never got round to posting for our selection I have that spike nade through bubble thing EDIT:... This is the new version with better quality and editing lol
Lol human parts removed and penguin parts added? 0.o Lol Hope everything goes smoothly Pengu
Lol I discovered something similar when messing around with barriers trying to interlock and geo merge them
what exactly am I looking at here? it looks like the first person view of a caterpillar in a caccoon
these are pretty sweet, I really like the look of the avalanche one. I made a CounterStrike map a very long time ago, it was like my first map...
I tried to be his friend a while ago but his list was full >.< (GET WELL SOON) new freedom vehicle, WHEELCHAIR me and my friends found one abandoned, fixed the tires and had fun...
Why thank you = ] Well the big slanted wall at shotgun spawn doesnt really do anything apart from look nice aesthetically, the bridge ramps up...
good use of interlocking 5/5 lol jk hey lin, this looks pretty snazzy =] I love how you have a warthog and a ghost on the map, dont find them...
LOL QFT. I gotta hit the hay now, catch some Zzzzzzz's Night, good luck for phys.... You gonna need it bish! :P
Meh I'll join your group tommorrow lol jk (get it?) I joined
lol lookat my visitor messages. Wrong profile -__- I'm too lazy to copy paste it.
Lol I do the exact same. I sit there right next to my books and I'm too lazy to actually study. You'd think that if I'm sitting there I may aswell...