only one I didn't get was omgwtfBBQ is it supposed to mean Barbeque? I no understand
I haz teh pun skillz
He looks like Tex... ;D
loyal. Nice! =]
orly? lol I didnt know that x] my mistake
Congratulations on loyal :]
awh! Thanks Lenny!
Pick me! Pick me!
dont know if you should be posting illegal sites etc.. but w/e
I have no idea, could be lag? Try playing on local if your not already O.o
Wow.. what the ****. How the hell can they just stand there and do nothing while she is dying on the floor.. this is just appauling
Wow Dom, this map looks really nice. Soooo very clean Ö Overview one: I'm liking that bridge and how you interlocked the stairs. The alternating...
I see, yeah it was nice filming. I liked the way you followed him around especially at sniper tower. and the camera work was pretty steady
Well I'm from New Zealand and I've never been over seas, but what the hell is so bad about Canada srsly lulz. IMO I like Canada more from what...
Helloo! =] Welcome to ForgeHub, have an incredibly splendid time here, aslong as you read the rules and the stickies (the map posting...
shotgun *****..... ;D lol
interlocking two objects that are in midair, with no floor or anything to get the height right is a *****, even when you brace the hell out of it,...
He did it in Forge mode, so like when you go in from the outside its like different or something I dont really know but it doesnt show on the stats
LOL that is freakin epic! Did you splatter some guy who's GT is the Guardians? Very cool screen shot all the same!
Lol obviously and who the hell would pay 800 MP for Brigadier? o.0