lol nice screen, I once got one similar.. I tried to stick this guy, after I threw it I was like awh crap thats gonna miss, I'm screwed. But...
Did they give you an xbox to use while yours is being worked on?
nah, bunnies are boring and stuff ;D cats are easy to care for, have more personality and friendliness and companionship although I'm not...
Hey bro :] trust me theres enough weapons, especially with BR start. I don't want to go over the top with weapons, IMO better to have to few...
Contgratulations on the Orangeness
Get a cat. They are the best. srsly
how do you do those kind of images anyways? where you have the picture changing >.< Yeah I'm a nub.
Ali is the man Kinda long, but definately worth watching
what the hell? No Hello Kitty? Anarchy!!
OMG you sneaky bastard, nice edit :'D
yeah there are a lot of Aussies similar to this... Me (just got into game of Social Slayer): Hey Aussies: Shut the **** up ******, I'll rape...
uh oh, I just realised that the sig I submitted was too big o.0 heres the fix... [IMG]
wait... Your dog is a rapist? Ö here is mah cat Neo when he was a kitten. He's the black one. We had to give his two sisters to our cousins ]: [IMG]
Nice work you two =] Geez, this looks so proffesional lol
I was playing ranked TS earlier with my brother and these two Aussie kids, it was a really close game but we just pulled ahead at the last moment...
Thanks lol, I got so annoyed at people saying there was no cover x] I just hit 100 DL's! wtf... Why no one DLing it. cmon you guys. DL, and all...
Whoa.. Nice work! This is so cleanly interlocked and some really really nice geo merging used. I like the feel of the map, it has an urban...
[IMG] =/ 0.o