You might want to have that username changed...
-__- What did you do this time?
Quit winning at the internet.
I was looking forward to your bit on wisdom, thank you B. Quit raising your post count, Lolbs.
You don't want to meet us in real life, we're much worse.
My friend and I messing around... this is basically us every day, but we happened to catch this bit on camera. We were bored, be nice Internet....
*takes a dump* *leaves*
B-Birthday. A stutter or a clever ruse? You decide.
*pukes all over your public profile* *runs away*
inorite? lol
I just caught my little brother making his own Pearl Harbor map, branched off of your own. I thought it was funny. : P
Of what, a pee stain?
ASE, or anyone else willing to sign up, please fill our the following format: 1.<[your]forgehub username]> and <[partner's]forgehub username]>...
Wow, thanks for the guilt trip B...
"kcuf oyu" Way to misspell. Oh, and don't worry, you ain't no "pot smoking booze hound" in my book, not sure where you even got that. >__>
Pot smoking booze hound >__>
Kcuf eht tahw?
Blah! Sup man?
[11:19:56 PM] Domi Boy says: win or no? [11:20:28 PM] iv0ry-snak3 says: win You fail.