Ohh great, he's un-banned again. Yea. Party at AZN's FTW house!!!
I can't beleive that someone would make such a stupid APP that cost so much. I can't beleive that the guy would make it cost so much just hoping...
Agreed Nemi. I can't see what I type. I suggest you change the color to something that you van actually see. lol
Ohh crap I ment to say NO instead of yes... Like Dragoncoals said I don't think this will work but every little bit helps I guess, I will be glad...
I know... My xbox keeps on freezing right at the dashboard before I can even sign in to my account. :'(
Becareful with all the infractions you have been getting your account my be banned soon.
Good for you. And have a nice day.
Soo... I can talk to him on xbox live since he is on my friends list.
It used to say you are a haxer.
Insulting you? lol
I already knew that. And when your famous like me you get to know a lot of people from forgehub.
Ohh no... You found out who I was, Leave me alone.
Sorry but I think my xbox is dead/really messed up.
I can't right now. I'm busy. Maybe later.
Very true. I also love forgehub like you and some other people.
I know what you mean. I've been here since january and I only have 328 posts. lol
Err... sorry. I did'nt know people would actually read that. lol. Anyway I thought all of his stuff was spam.
Re-cycle the old rank... lol