You did it right... Thank you I'm trying to stop the spamming on forgehub and make it almost like the old forgehub before the Vb switch.
Please stop spamming the map section. This is considered spam when you post your welcome thing but someone has already posted the posting...
WARNING!!! Any post that I see saying "need embeded pics" and "Not up to forgehub stadards" and anything along those lines will be reported for...
WARNING!!! Any post that I see saying "need embeded pics" and "Not up to forgehub stadards" and anything else along those lines will be reported...
Thanks... I'll try to get on-line today since it's friday and hopefully my xbox will work for me.
lol... I think you have a new internet stalker named 'King of KC' that happens to be the youngest member on forgehub. lol
Good god, you have a lot of visitor messages. lol. And I wonder who It is most by... (*King of KC*). lol
How are you doing good sir?
I just love all of your profile picturs. lol
Congrats on the featured map... I remember playing this map a real long time ago with some friends and when I played It I thought It was great....
as far as i know it still works but my xbox keeps on frezzing up on me about every five minutes.
Why isnt anyone talking to me... I'm so bored without my xbox live. :'(
Whats up? I'm bored without my xbox working longer then five minutes.
Hi... How's everything going?
So how is the wife and kids? lol. And also how is everything going on xbox live?
You have to join this social group even if the group is fail. Also forgehub thinks that the person created the group died. lol...
Ugh... I'm so bored right now. And god do I hate some of my teachers.
Yes!!! Your actually on-line when I'm on-line. But God am I bored right now. lol
Ohh, That must be you? huh...
WTF!!! Is that with the post before me? Random Crap I see. lol