V. Ohh man, I feel sorry for the both of you. I really wish I could help but I don't think My mom will let me send any money too someone on the...
Ohh Yeah, that fail map you tryed too make a long time ago? lol... But anyway you have a long time too wait before they release the game or maybe...
So... You maybe staff here at forgehub but atleast Admins take a break every once in awhile and go out and smell the fresh air. But I'm wondering...
Ugh... You almost got me too click the link, I'm so curious sometimes. lol.
Wow... At first first I didnt think I was going to get the game but after a little while and watching the video I really think I'm going to get...
That's Right!!! COMMANDERMATT1 needs a life!!! Yea... lol
Wow... Nice job on this Kira, I'm sure a lot of new members will like too read this and maybe some people won't be afraid too post and introduce...
Rofl... Well then welcome too forgehub and I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't worry their is more girls on this site then just you. lol.
Wait... Your on vacation but your still on forgehub? I don't care what your job is go and enjoy your vacation and get off the iphone. lol
Yea!!! Sexy time... lol
I got the RROD a long time ago and haven't got it since. But then my xbox started too freeze up a lot and just about stop working. So I call...
Here is the thread where he dis-repected another member: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/28637-avp-r.html#post381681. I'll also try...
Ok, Fine... I reported his post because in a certain thread he was acting all awsome because he was told another member too basicly shut up and...
Aww crap... Not again.
GTA Saturdays!!! But why am I even posting in something about a game I only rented??? *sad face* Well have fun without me.
"albyhouse is sleeping with Dizfunk"? WITHOUT ME!?!?!?... Why can't I have sexy time with you? *threesome* Don't worry I'll get my xbox fixed...
Open chat, FTW!!!
Sad face... My xbox is out of warrenty so that means ill have to pay 100$ or more to get it fixed or just buy a new one... lol
What's up?
Yes, Let me double check on how much rep power you give... lol