This map looks pretty sweet and very well completed! I love the doors on there sides to use as steps. Very well made and Iam going to try it!
Excellant racetrack, love the loop and this is totaly worth a download! Amazing and the fact that it is on Blackout makes it evan better! Great...
I get it haha! nice screenshot excellant pic. This is making me lol and rofl :-)
I loved v1 and v2 looks even better! I downloaded nice video BTW I just got a capture card too. :-)
This is a sweet guide to guides! I love the idea of putting a pic at the top of the guide and by the way, whats a BR? lol
Wow this is a very cool infection map. I love your use for the pallets as with the breakable doors and floors, give the map its own playing...
I know someone that could use this! They are making a doubles map right now! Good Job I'll tell them about this.
These pics look simply amazing! Very well made, origonal, and extremely well taken. You sir have wonderful photographing skills :-)
I'll be on tomorow :-) I'll add you but if I forget, go ahead and add me GD BlueDevil. Good Luck see yopu tomorow!
I will be happy to help you send me a friend request! I will see you on Live because its summer break at school and I get bored. Lets both try...
Looks like a great MLG map! The middle structure is very cool and the geoglitching and interlocking looks very perfected. Good work 5/5
Looks pretty interesting I love the origonality of the bases and how they are curved. Some more cover in the middle would be nice instead of an...
I'll help you! My GT is GD BlueDevil (in my signature) Check out my map SpaceAge v2 and send me a friend request if you think I'm good enough....
Projectt still has hope :-) TGIF #10 was much more fun than #11. Plus I was in Projectt's party too!
Great geogltiching and interlocking. For some reason the map has its own feel and look (which is a good thing :-) I love how the structures...
Looks like a very neat map and I think it would be very fun to play slayer on it... so I will :-) lol. Great map I will try it!
Sweet! This looks like greata great arena! I'll download and fight to the death with my friends lol :-) BTW nice video is that the forge guide...
Evan though you should give the origonal maker lots of credit, it still looks like fun. Seeing the hornet get lasered and seeing the elifant fall...
Looks like a cool house! Can it support onebomb and stuff or is itm strictly a map to look cool? Either way I'll download and look at it. Good...
Wow thats really good it doesn't even look like its on foundry! Great work I'll have to download and check this one out! :-)