Why did you send me a friend request?
That is the single most amazing LOL I have ever ROFLed Great Job can't wait to see what you make next!
Welcome to forgehub! This post doesn't meet forgehub's standards you must embed pics. Save Bungie pics (bigger pics not thumbnails) Upload pics to...
I downloaded the first one so I guess I'll DL this one. Looks like a very fun Avalanche map with great floating structures but I would recommend...
The ending to the Sapronos. It made me :-( Very bad ending to a really good show.
Looks like a very nice symetrical map! I like the catwalk leading to the invisability. Good work! A DL from me
Haha thats funny I get it :-) Very funny and very nice screenshot. P.S. This is my 400 post
Welcome to forgehub! Yes you are in the right section. I will be happy to help you my gamertag is GD BlueDevil please to add me so I can help!
Wow I love that banked turn! This must of taken forever! Great work on a great map I'll DL and play it later :-)
Looks like a very fun arena map! It also looks great for 1 vs 1. Great Job! P.S. I am downloading :-)
This is a completely perfect MLG map thats well forged that should be on the MLG playlist. This is staying on my harddrive forever. Great Job!
I just love killing Johnson so he turns into a flood. The screenshot is very funny I get it! For once...
A turret room with lots of movable debre such as barrels and soccer balls. Then zombies could stay behind them and use skill to get up and kill...
With a map that looks that chaotic I have to downl;oad! You sir have posting skillz I love how made your pics. I wish I knew how to do that :-(...
Very impressive map! The roof gives the maps its own feel to it! Great Job!
Usally on the Sunday, MonDay or Tuesday (about 4 days before TGIF will be held) they have a signup forum on the front page. Itwill say TGIF...
Wow your interlocking is completely flawless and it looks like you put a lot of effort into the map. Looks great I'm downloading.
Looks pretty cool but its hard to tell you should put in more pics. Did you interlock at all? I personally don't think it matters if it doesn't...
I think convier belts and those doors that open when you walk in front of them they open. Just like in the H2 map Gemini. Also a forge map that...
Looks cool nice floating structures! It is a forgehub requrement to have a link to the bugie post not your fileshare. The map looks fun though...