Sweet vid! You have to use photobucket.com or imageshack.com or the pics won't work. Also after you use them (even if the pics work) you can't...
Looks like a neat MLG map! If you bothered to make a v3 than it must be a good map. I'll DL and rate later. Good Work keep forging!
Welcome to forgehub! This is one of the best first posts I've ever seen! I'll DL it looks like an interesting infection map.
A lot of Cold Storage maps have been made the last couple days and this looks good compared to most! I love how you used the barricades as...
I think I've seen Blackout v2 before anyway it looks nice I like the fact that its not on foundry. Keep forging!
Welcome to forgehub! This is the best map and post made by a junior member in a long time! Geoglitching with the ceiling. How often do you see...
Welcome to forgehub! great first post! I love the look of that middle structure but my favorate part is the walkway that leads into it. It is...
My GT is GD BlueDevil and I would gladly help you! I know all the forge tequniques just looks at the map SpaceAge v2 in my signature. If you are...
With the screens you have put (must embed though) the map looks really cool. I love the looks of the base and the way the map plays is both...
Looks very cool. I don't even have a map on my harddrive that is made for ffa. This will be my first :-) Very well themed I love your use of...
This looks VERY COOL! I love the structures you've created and I Have to DL and try it! GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!
You need more pics but from the one you put in this map looks pretty cool. I like the way you made the walls of this map very high and the way you...