so i was thinking... just randomly about what would make a good comic, and i started thinking about this: so in the middle of the 20th century,...
yeah, thats why mw2 invasion is actually possible in the way it unfolds. US territories actually have no real military defences. especially more...
so you want an acoustic bass playing those notes on a lower octave?
gonna do it tonight, cos i was asleep for most of yesterday.
city of rapists (Y_Y)
wont change what wikileaks does though.
thats what she said?
he put the lime in the coconut is what he did
she saw you coming ;)
CC showed us a pic when he was in love with the gf's BFF
id say the mistake is better looking the the gf
its difficult to read.
pics or it didnt happen.
is this the ****ing gf's best friend thing again? yawwwwn.
ill need more energy to get that boop, cos i dont boop.
cant. need my energy to boop.
which is like 5am for me :(
haloing with me though?