hubba bubba beeeans tur mah swar gown teg er hurr in durr saaaa ya sssup iiiii get mo knee ogogogohhh
the game is a great game.
mirror's edge should be longer and have a map maker. that is all.
cba for anymore steam games. i have wow and civ v so i wont need another game till diablo 3
bow wow YouTube - CAT RATS - SKRILLEX
do people really hipfire that much? is that where ive been going wrong right?
CK Trolls.
and stop goats from crossing bridges?
and you just fell into the troll pit.
whale's a mammal? :S
i think i angered god and ended up... in a whale.
i got a nice text from the girl i like. and had dinner without having to help. best christmas in a while.
and she's in college? no wait, you are. derp. take the kinect cam and ko her with it
i probably got the least for xmas. but i like that.
how many guitar picks?
i would genuinely turn guitar picks down as a christmas present, unless it was a tub of 200 of them. cop-out presents like chocolate and biscuits...
you bought these for yourself or did people buy you them? cos i would not accept these as gifts.
if only.
since when did chuck become sarge's little frog?
CHUCK did.