camo's girlie is an axe murderer. also to bring this back around: i pictured a thousand words.
which wolf?
curly hair is reserved for pubes. and, then again, its only wavy. thats how straight i am.
kill bill>sport and im only asian by genetics.
as in ball with use of foot? or the **** excuse you americants have?
then youre still her *****. and i saw how she went nuts to that random she-friend of yours. i lol'd
in sandwich form or on their own?
i thought that was me :(
dude. its confuse ray. godddd.
you can be a shipster.
you deny it so hard, you increase your hipster nature as you do so. oh and i have seen hot rod. i just didnt remember what it was called until i...
trashman is definitely a hipster. hating on everything good.
frog story 3.
[-_-] no one is as old as me.
so did i. [QKT]