Meh. It's fairly cheap, and there are people who get it fixed by those kind of people all the time, to save time and $$$and also to mod your...
I'd love to see these in Reach, they would be really good for dropping people off in a hot spot, or picking up flag carriers. Although CTF with...
Prowler=instant splatter, but spectre is better IMO, much easier to control, although the guy in the turret is more vulnerable. Coag Remake=...
Maps look great, they're all unique and really well made. I hope I do, but I don't think I'll care too much if I run into bungie anymore. Just...
Mini your FH RP is confusing, but sounds kinda fun. I suppose I'll give it a try although I've never fully enjoyed these RPG's before. We'll...
Dual needlers in H3 would be brutally unfair. You wouldn't even need it. Needlers are strong enough as they are. I would like the return of the...
There are people locally and on ebay who know about this stuff and will fix it for a price.
Lolwut? I have no idea where that is, or do you mean the area you enter after you kill the scarab o the ark? And this glitch doesn't look too...
Wow, that missle is hacked. Missle pod martyrdom.
Hey, welcome to forgehub! You'll find that most of the community will be friendly if you're nice back to them. Enjoy your stay, hopefully you'll...
GIGA BOWSER! Instant win, this pic made me lol
There's apparently going to be 2 more DLC episodes coming out next year. Wonder how those will turn out to be. I personaally liked San Andreas...
I will. I have all your pictures right here, so all you need to do now is copy and paste. Just make sure you get it right the next time :) When...
Yeah, but be glad it's free. It may not be a cap card, but at least you have something to film with.
It SHOULD be Halo 1 for me gameplay wise, but there's not enough content in it to make it the best of the series. So I'll be going with Halo 3.
I no longer even care about winning too much anymore, the last ranked game I've played was like 2 months ago. Lack of communication happens so...
No, he WILL get and infraction, or maybe a warning. A question. If you can escape this, then isn't it possible for the humans to run away and...
Unless they actually get in the way of the gameplay, and make it annoying I couldn't care less about them.
Looks really good actually, usually I dislike the energy shields recharging, but it actually works for this one. The light and shadow effects on...
Holy crap that actually looks like a painting done in photoshop. It's pretty cool, maybe apply the concept to something other than a cone?