There's gonna be one for killminjaros I bet. Fits into the '7' theme right?
You know some people play it for the community maps, right? I really couldn't care less for the recon, because I know I'm not getting it. Sure...
I think it's pretty big, a lot of the map is covered up by buildings, and don't forget you can get into some of the buildings as well.
Not as impressive as you would think, but that's a pretty good guide. Well it looks good anyways.
[IMG] I still don't see it, the spartan looks like the rock... I may or may not post one later, someone else go ahead if they want to.
Katana dissapears a lot. To keep it forever, just get all of the original H3 achievements. But sometimes just unlock some other achievement, and...
That sounds about right. I've give up hope of ever finding bungie. :(
It doesn't need more cover, any more and it'll get in the way of gameplay. The change of elevation is your cover. And why should there be more...
Are you sure about that? The moment you quit, bungie goes,"oh, he's just another kid trying to get recon faster.", doesn't seem very likely...
Doesn't even look like anything anticipated. Looks like a great map, kind of like avlanache in a way, but more complex, because I can see that...
Don't know, I don't think they would drop the hammer on you for doing it once. My internet died at like 4 AM :( in the middle of the game when...
I swear to god, I can't wait till my friends online. I've honestly almost lost every single ggame I've played so far >:l Stonehenge is awesome.
It isn't supposed to, the less cover=better fire fights. When everyone is bunched up in that one little area, it's basically who can kill who...
lol what a late post. I posted my last response to ya 3 weeks ago. :P When I saw you comment, I'm like wtf?
Left them there because the BR's are usually always taken, so at least you have something for long range that's better than an AR.
Excerpt(8-12 players recommended) [IMG] Description Excerpt is a conquest map, and also my first competitive map. The layout is solid, and there...
[IMG] Testing pics effects around on orbital. Alert
For anyone else who will comment about it being escapable, so what? That's not the point of this. If you're gonna be a jack off, and cheat to...
Last one is great, too bad about the random shotgun there though. I love how the spartan is still black but everything else is bright, where you...