The background needs much more work put in to it. The car placement and the car in general just looks like it's there, you need to work on your...
The video is kind of boring in my opinion, but I enjoy listening to it. It's 30 songs in 30 minutes, I believe it's like all pop related music....
nou. I'mma sleepin' by then.
I sold it to a friend last year....
This is so old. Funny nonetheless. lrn2internetsHuntar
Take the countdown image out of your sig yo
Agamer uses a single flame grenade on your paper guide. It's super effective!
A Playerhata signs up for tourney. Agamer uses the rocket lawn chair on him. It's a critical hit! It's super effective!
I'll simplify this easily. Make friends at Forgehub. (No one here plays fat kid and crap you describe) .... profit
Get the **** on L4D newb.
I'm not feeling the gray in user's mini profile's when they post, the gray in the shoutbox, and how the gray is done in the cells in the user cp....
Hey do you think it's a possibility that we can get the Forgemates thread stickied again? There has been a couple of different threads asking for...
Hola I see you're new here, if you need help with any thing feel free to ask meh.
Wow I haven't seen you on in forever.
Here is a link to a post by me a while back, I provided 58 wallpapers or something like that. They are all different sizes and such, so hopefully...
Howdy partner..... My first wallpaper that I made.... [img]
I actually have a couple of similar wallpapers in my wallpaper folder... Otherwise, I like it and think you did a great job for it being your...
Wait.... When did they discontinue the one months?
I heard you liek helping dudes....
You need to remove one of those screenshots because your map has to be in your File Share in order for people to download it. Once you do that,...