Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more...
I can write a five paragraph essay on how your map can be improved. I think will tomorrow.
Is that so? Well, eh hates your waffle
TGIF #39 was on Friday. The next TGIF will be in two weeks.
Enjoy Nitrous. [img]
That's just so sad, both of those "trolls" used to be good friends of mine. I wonder what crawled up their bums.
Prism Block by Adelyess and Deathtoll77 Vagabond by Given To Fly Cape Canaveral by oO SLiK Oo & x DREAM 76 x Lygo by evan12075
It's k brah. You can join meh TGIF anytime =)
I have rocketdock on auto hide, so it's not there in the screenshot. [IMG]
I like your new sig =]
Hey Debo, if you're still thinking of hosting the evenball tournament I'm down for helping you out brah.
Are the SNF's only for staff members now?
I think you left this segment out. [img]
Yes, Xbox Live is down brah. I wasn't expecting it either, in the second round of the game we were playing it said, "Disconnected from Xbox Live"...
Thanks brah =D
Thanks for bringing this over to FH =) I pretty much knew every thing in this tutorial and most of it was almost self explanatory, yet I never...
uggh Alrighty then. Have fun at your bonfir.
ecksbawks in a little bit?
I would only spend 60 dollars on a game like this if it were to be the same thing yet be on the Rock Band engine. Otherwise, like Lippy I'll most...
Don't laugh at this, I've looked every where on how to do so, but how do you change the Windows XP skin to black? I'd very much appreciate it.