I can agree that this is the map that I'm also looking forward to the most once the three maps are released. It will probably be one of my...
I just am. You're just the last person I'd expect to give me a compliment.
Wow I'm astounded by your post in the loyal thread.
I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
Login | Facebook My name is Anthony, go ahead and add meh.
I can tell a person's personality in the first couple minutes I meet them now, due to the cawnz. I don't wear the racoon shoulders, I wear scout...
I dunno. I'm not the type of person to advertise and I don't think most people would take up on your offer. What's the forging team?
Dow and makisupa hit it spot on. Otherwise, this is General Chat, discussions for non-Halo related threads. Next time if you have a thread to...
post pics or it didnt happen
Stewart would like to engage in sexual intercourse with you. He told me so.
To add on to Sharps's comment, any one who is caught breaking the map when in an actual game for the tournament will be disqualified.
Some member posted it early...... I was anxious to play on it.
This is definitely a well crafted map, I definitely enjoyed playing on it even though I loss all four of the games I played. Without a doubt the...
Hey Shock, I was wondering when it comes to like the quarter finals and up would you like me to record the games and post them on FH for every one...
I never actually knew you shared your account. I was playing with your brother yesterday thinking it was you. lol
If I made a scrimmage thread in the Conflict forum so people can get some practice games in, do you think it would be used, or even needed?
Got it brew.
Hey what the hell happened? I was making an introduction post, I post it and then it said my post doesn't exist, I go to the forums and the...
Alright, cool brah. You think I should stick with Agamer93 or change it to Agamer?
Well, if you know it's quite bad why bother even posting? I can literally go on and on things that need to be changed in order for that to even...