Agreed, every word of it, 100%.
lol, that'd be annoying for the admins.
Meh, you can do whatever you want. Teasing is whorish though.
Which one? The new one? Is that out already?
Friends had 6 main characters. All with their own original personalities. The situations in friends change episode to episode. Two and a Half...
I think some people will agree with me on this, some may not, but the fact that entrants are allowed to vote really helps create that friendly,...
More prefer to read them. If I do out grow them, I have a couple that might be worth a litte bit after a while. Nothing really special though.
Ooh! First issue of Superman!? That sold for like $300 Grand a few weeks ago. What was her reaction when you told her?
lol, depends on which comics they are :) I have a few in mind who I'll most likely vote for, yours might be one of them. Or it might not :P
Yeah, that's what I'm stearing towards. Though it's still nice to discuss and here people's thoughts.
Fair enough but it's hard to really compare those examples. They're much more high calibre and prestige then a casual online graphics contest. I...
The first few seasons have been playing on TV recently, and I begun to watch it for the first time and I tire of it. Recycled jokes + 1...
Technically, anyone who votes could be called a judge. But why is it wrong for the host to vote? And if it's done so with complete unbias and...
Doing alright. Caught me right before I was about to close IE though. So, won't be staying to chat, sorry. Got a fair amount of homework to do...
That wouldn't stop a man like him, now would it?
The higher he flies, the greater the falls when I bring him down!
My fist>His face [IMG]
ARGH! [IMG] Gargoyles are no match for Batman
Iron Tusk is also Mason. :P Foiled again, mr Snak3. How does it feel?