Edited and Stickied
I'll cast my vote for numero uno. The first one has a fantastic colour scheme, the focal point blends within the background and it flows as a...
No, he hates the fact that the G&A forum is overrun with sigs and wants to prove there's MUCH more to G&A than sigs. Here's a vector I did as my...
I did it deep within the dunes of sandbox. The filters I used were Juicy, Colourblind, Gloomy and Old Timey. It made the outer rims of sandbox,...
I had a few filters on, deep within the dunes of sandbox, and I couldn't see a thing. The gun fire provided minimal lighting. When I went through...
I believe it was voodoo's Sniper Pit that introduced interlocking to the general populace. Back in December of 2007. [IMG] Recognise that...
LEAPIN' LAZURUS!! That's amazing.
I had an overwhelming amount of school work catching up with me. I opted to become a G&A Guardian so I can continue to run SotW
It sounds like a nice idea, in theory, but large-scale collaborative work is difficult.
I'd assume it would be released on the 9th, American time. Most other things are. It's 1am the 9th of April for me. I just checked the Marketplace...
Sorry. My net was down all night. Was a massive pain.
I got nothing. I have a few more pages done for design but that's it.
lol, got anything done on your psych?
Oh lah lah. Mr Fancy poop. Lookin' good.
It just hit midnight. I have school in 9 hours.
I was about to get to bed anway. But I'm dumbfounded. Maybe you could borrow the game and see if it still screws up with a different disc.
No scratches whatsoever? There aren't little markings you've missed?
sup dawg
No problem. Yeah. I was talking with Lock the other day and Freestlye came up, so I decided to go with it. I've stored Vector and Film for the...
Yeah, seen it. 'Tis epic