Finished. [IMG]
yeah, that happens whenever i have alot of things merged together.
me eithers, for now, i got spartins.
dc if you see this, you do zepllins, bad stock for me. ill do spartins if you like, illget a good size.
what one you want me to do? edit: ill do zepplin. editx2: no ****.
lol k.
k. say its a reintroduction then.
do you really need to introduce yourself? 675 post's and on since 07/08?
i could help out if you need it, not permanitly though.
idk, it sounds cool but, im not a big fan.
Dude, try working on a smaller canvas. its alot easier.
Sigs got a little cameltoe goin on.
Well, it doesnt look like you did much to them, i dont think your effect worked, it might of, ive never seen em before.
Pretty nice. get moar now.
Defenetly crop it, its way to big,and also, get a new border, imo it looks pretty bad.
Whats up.
Yeah mine are submitted, when does voting start?!
im gunna m it cause i might use for 2v2.
duuude, i smudged, it looks waaaay better imo.
is it due tonight at midnight or tomorrow at midnight?